About Therapy

2415668457“I’m not the one who needs therapy.”

Have you ever said that to yourself? Well, let’s examine it. Who sucks in your life? Or rather, who is sucking the life out of you?

Do you dread family gatherings?

Is a high school reunion a source of anxiety?

Could you go without celebrating your holidays with the folks or the in-laws?

Is having to move back home because of the economy leaving you feeling like a collapsed star?

You’ve piled on many layers of protection; now, something’s threatening those defenses.

The past is in the past for a reason. It was left there by design.

Here’s the thing about an unexplored past…

It follows you, whether you are conscious of it or not. The body remembers, even if the brain has tried to block it.

To be fully present in life, you have to take stock and understand what’s stacked in your brain. We then need to determine if we should process, shred, or file it differently.

1954982332We’ll do this on your timeline – not mine.

It’s common to get a pit in your stomach when talking about past pain. That’s your brain protecting you from pain.

Trauma keeps you from feeling and functioning at 100%. But therapy changes that!

Once you feel comfortable, you can begin to unravel those dreaded thoughts and experiences. You can always count on me to be patient and empathetic as we walk through what’s hurt you in the past.

Safety is the most important thing.

That means safety from judgment, safety from interruption, and safety from rejection.

This is your time, so use it! Get your money’s worth!

Come in as authentically as you can because it’s absolutely okay to do so!

Your voice is important!

It’s the strongest and most frequent voice you will ever hear.

It’s critical that your voice be authentic and gracious, especially to yourself. Learning to talk to yourself in a kind, loving voice will embolden you to share your authentic voice with others.

Let me help you find your voice!

Call, email, or click on the button below to schedule your free consultation.

About Me

AdminWhat brought me here…

Trauma taught me from a young age the necessity for awareness and resilience. As a child, I adopted a narrative that I’m the only one who can protect me. Wow, that sure created an anxious mess!

That reaction to trauma helped me survive childhood, but it was emotionally laborious. I was empathetic and intuitive to people’s needs around me, even if they were supposed to be taking care of my needs.

After years of therapy, I learned to harness the gift of wanting to help others without the need to prioritize everyone else over myself.

Some of my professional background…

I have a bachelor’s degree in psychology and criminal justice… and a master’s in counseling.

I’ve done case management for severe and persistent mental illness, crisis intervention work at a psychiatric hospital, and group therapy for clients in partial hospitalization programs.

I enjoy working one-on-one with adults experiencing anxiety, depression, panic disorders, or trauma-related disorders. It is a privilege and honor to be part of anyone’s healing journey after trauma.

I work at home, so…

You’re likely going to meet my (fur) coworkers! I have four: two dogs and two cats.

They’re hard workers, providing the soothing sounds of snoring or barking to let me know there’s a visitor at the door.

I understand not everyone is an animal lover, but I sure am!

When I’m not doing therapy…

I love watching YouTube videos that analyze popular TV shows like “The Office,” “Breaking Bad,” “Better Call Saul,” or “Parks and Rec.” It’s fascinating to explore the psychology of the main characters.

If I give a “Pam and Jim” or a “Leslie and Ben” example of life’s little problems during a session, you’ll now have an idea of where that comes from!