Anxiety and Depression

2302032625When you think you can’t do anything right…

Nothing gets done.

“Might as well go back to bed” becomes your mantra.

It feels safe there… warm… surrounded by pet hair. In a way, it’s one “solution” to how you feel.

You WANT to do better.

But the anxiety about improving your life is so overwhelming that it tends to shut you down.

It makes you feel trapped with no clear path forward.

Your surroundings become messy and disorganized – much like your mind.

Maybe that’s why you prefer the company of animals… you know they don’t judge you for your struggles or lack of motivation.

1283220583I won’t judge you, either.

In therapy, we’ll meet you wherever you are. If all you can manage right now is a virtual session from your bed, that’s perfectly okay – that’s a step forward.

If you need a cat on your lap for comfort during our session, that’s fine, too.

I’m here to support you in this space – to explore what it’s like for you to get out of bed or think about those dishes in the sink.

We’ll observe where you are and find compassion in that.

That voice inside that’s always criticizing you…

Let’s teach it to speak more kindly and gently.

In therapy, I’ll help you recognize patterns of negative self-talk and unhelpful thoughts.

My goal is to guide you in reshaping how you talk to yourself so that, eventually…

You’ll leave therapy with the skills to navigate life more effectively.

Coming here was a first step…

Now, take the next. Your journey toward a new outlook on life could be just around the corner.

I know you can do it!

Call now or schedule a free 15-minute consultation: (682) 214-3142.