Healing from Trauma and PTSD

2115693110These are modern-day hot-button issues.

You can’t spend much time online without seeing a video or meme about being triggered by a narcissistic past lover.

It seems everyone has a diagnosis for everyone else.

“Trauma” is everywhere, too. But it’s confusing…

How do you even know what trauma is?

Even if you know, there are other questions…

Is what you went through “small” or “large” compared to others?

What the heck does it even mean to heal from trauma? What… is there a time machine involved??

Do I have to talk about what happened to heal?

1887347188That last one might make you want to run or puke.

That’s understandable, of course. After all, trauma isn’t about happy times where life went well and predicted.

Trauma is when things got messy… when things went wrong… when things that shouldn’t have happened did happen.

I know it might sound hard, but I’ll be here to support you every step of the way.

There are benefits to talking about trauma.

The big one is it makes it less likely that it’ll crop up unexpectedly in other areas of your life.

It also gives you insight. That comes naturally as you age and look at life through different lenses.

Therapy is a place to sound out and get feedback on your evolving perspectives – like, “How dating that 20-year-old when I was 15 didn’t mean I was mature for my age kind of thing.

Therapy is a place to unpack.

We’ll work through your past experiences slowly and methodically at a pace that feels safe for you.

You’re likely to discover that you weren’t fully aware of the trauma you were going through, as many things are dismissed as “just the way things were back then.”

I will help you identify those events and memories, and we’ll work together to see what you would like to do with what’s left of those memories now.

I can’t wait to meet you and get started!

Call today, and we’ll take the first step with your free 15-minute consultation: (682) 214-3142.