Recovering from Sex Abuse

2362911115You survived it, but…

Your brain is still trying to process the depth of those events.

The “little” kept secrets…

The down-played experiences…

The blotted-out memories…

Even if the sexual abuse or minimized violation happened in childhood, they can follow you around for the rest of your life.

It’s traumatic – no exceptions…

Some families react appropriately to child molestation; others, unfortunately, perpetuate it.

Sibling-on-sibling, parent-on-child, pastor-on-child, teacher-on-student…

Sex abuse can be as blatant as stranger rape or “subtle” as waking up to your spouse having sex with you without your consent.

2229454315Therapy is the right place to be.

Let’s take it as slow as you need to build a full sense of safety before sharing everything. There’s no rush. This is your timeline, not mine.

When you’re ready to talk, whether in brief or in detail, I’m here to listen.

You don’t need to be polite or hold back. This is your time to express what happened – in your own way and at your own pace.

Feeling heard means feeling better.

Our work together will help you know and feel validated about your experiences and how you responded at the time.

Understanding what sex abuse can do to a person involves peeling away many layers:

What were you like before it happened?

What unfolded afterward?

Do you agree with how others responded to the situation?

How do you feel now that you’re a parent?

Together, we can tackle these sensitive layers to help you come through to the other side where you move forward.

You’ve been suffering in silence long enough.

All the unhealthy habits and damaged thinking that resulted from what happened… let’s turn the page.

You don’t have to do this alone!

Start today on a new future by calling for your free consultation: (682) 214-3142.